Thursday, 27 September 2012

Wedding Rings

Wedding Rings 

Wedding rings are a very important part of the wedding ceremony. It is a symbol of one’s love for their partner. The circular design of the ring represents the never ending love one shares for the other.

Wedding rings were once worn by wives only. It was worn on what is now commonly known as the ring finger because it was once believed that the “vein of love” was in this finger and led all the way to a person’s heart. Now it is common for both the man and wife to wear a wedding ring, still on the ring finger. The hand that the ring is worn on can be the right or left hand depending on the culture.

A common memorial in the wedding ring is the use of engraving. Many engrave their wedding ring as an etching to memorialize a special message that they wish to convey to their loved one. It is also common to etch the name of the partner or both partners as well as the date of the wedding into a wedding ring.

The most common wedding ring tends to be the diamond wedding ring. However, a wedding ring can come with many different gemstones in lieu of a diamond. In fact, with the customization available today, even a ring already set with a diamond can be changed to the gemstone of choice.

Remember that if you venture from the traditional diamond wedding ring that is ok, it is good to be unique. However, make sure that the ring you decide on is one that fits your loved one’s style and personality. The sky is the limit when choosing the perfect wedding ring. Show your loved one how much they mean to you with a wedding ring that perfectly displays your love and affection towards them. 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

josephs jewelry: Determining a Diamond's Value

josephs jewelry: Determining a Diamond's Value: Diamond Value The Four C's of Diamonds Have you ever wondered how a jeweller determines the value of a diamond? It is determined by ...

Determining a Diamond's Value

Diamond Value

The Four C's of Diamonds

Have you ever wondered how a jeweller determines the value of a diamond? It is determined by the four different aspects of a diamond.

  • Carat
  • Cut
  • Color
  • Clarity

These are more commonly called the 4 c's. When you take a diamond or a piece of diamond jewelry to be appraised, these four things should be taken into account to decide the value of the diamond or piece of jewelry. What exactly are these 4 c's? Let's take a look.


The carat is a unit of mass equal to 200 milligrams. It is the scale used to determine the value of a diamond by weight.


A diamond cut is a style or design guide that is used when shaping a diamond for polishing. Several factors are considered when choosing the cut of a diamond. Two popular cuts for a diamond are the brilliant cut and the fancy cut.


A diamond with no hue or color is a chemically pure and structurally perfect diamond. However, almost no gem-sized diamonds are absolutely perfect. Chemical impurities or structural defects in the crystal lattice, the symmetrical three-dimensional arrangement of atoms inside a crystal, can affect the color. A diamond's color can either enhance or detract from a diamond's value. A yellow hue in a white diamond can detract from its value while a blue diamond can be very valuable.


Diamond clarity is determined by internal flaws called inclusions or surface defects called blemishes. Inclusions can be caused by tiny cracks that can appear cloudy or whitish as well as a foreign material or another diamond crystal inside the diamond itself. The clarity of a diamond can be affected a number of ways including the size, relative location, orientation, color or visibility of inclusions. A clarity grade is assigned by checking the stone under ten times magnification.

Joseph's Jewelry buys and sells diamond jewelry. We also do custom diamond jewelry and jewelry repairs. If you need a diamond reset, Joseph's Jewelry does it in the store. Your jewelry will not be shipped to a third party moving your precious jewels from hand to hand. If you find a piece of jewelry that does not have the stone that you want, no problem. Joseph's Jewelry can replace it with the diamond that fits your needs with our expert staff. Learn more by contacting us or stopping by the showroom. We have been Stuart, Florida's trusted jewelry shop for over 20 years. We can't wait to talk to you!

Joseph's Jewelry
5250 Southeast Federal Highway
Stuart, FL 34997